Hot Rolled Steel: The Process and Its Applications in CNC Machining(subtractive manufacturing Bowen)

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In the world of manufacturing, hot rolled steel plays a pivotal role. It is widely used in various industries due to its excellent strength, ductility, and cost-effectiveness. When it comes to CNC machining, hot rolled steel is one of the preferred materials owing to its versatility and ease of fabrication. In this article, we will delve into the process of producing hot rolled steel and explore its applications in CNC machining.

The Production Process of Hot Rolled Steel:

Hot rolled steel is produced through a series of steps that involve heating semi-finished steel slabs or billets above their recrystallization temperature. This temperature varies depending on the type of steel being processed. Once heated, these slabs are passed through rollers to reduce their thickness and shape them into required dimensions.

1. Heating:
To initiate the hot rolling process, steel slabs or billets are heated in a furnace. These slabs are typically formed by casting molten steel into rectangular molds. The temperature at which the heating occurs depends on the desired properties of the final product. Generally, the heating temperature lies between 1,100°C and 1,300°C for most common types of steel.

2. Rolling:
Once the steel reaches its optimal temperature, it is transported to a rolling mill where it is fed between two large rollers. These rollers exert significant pressure on the steel, causing it to deform and reduce in thickness. As the slab passes through each set of rollers, it undergoes further reduction until it achieves the desired thickness.

3. Cooling:
After going through the rolling process, the hot rolled steel emerges from the mill at an elevated temperature. To prevent excessive cooling rates and minimize distortion, the steel is cooled down under controlled conditions. Various methods such as air cooling, water sprays, and immersion in coolants can be employed to achieve the desired cooling rate.

4. Descaling and Cutting:
Once the steel has cooled down, it undergoes a descaling process to remove any oxide or scale on its surface. Descaling can be accomplished by different methods including pickling, shot blasting, or mechanical descaling. After descaling, the hot rolled steel is cut into desired lengths using shearing operations or saw cutting.

Applications of Hot Rolled Steel in CNC Machining:

Hot rolled steel finds extensive use in CNC machining operations due to several advantageous properties it possesses. Some notable applications include:

1. Structural Components:
Hot rolled steel is widely used in the production of structural components such as beams, columns, and girders. These components provide support and stability to a wide range of structures including buildings, bridges, and machinery. With its superior strength and durability, hot rolled steel ensures the integrity and longevity of these structures.

2. Automotive Parts:
In the automotive industry, hot rolled steel is utilized for the manufacturing of various components. It can be found in parts such as chassis frames, body panels, suspension systems, and engine components. The high strength-to-weight ratio of hot rolled steel makes it an ideal choice for ensuring safety and performance requirements in automobiles.

3. Machinery and Equipment:
CNC machines often require sturdy and reliable materials for their construction. Hot rolled steel fits the bill perfectly, providing the necessary strength and stability required for machine frames, bases, and other structural components. Its machinability also allows for ease of fabrication, enabling precise and intricate machining operations.

4. Home Appliances:
Many home appliances are composed of hot rolled steel due to its cost-effectiveness and malleability. Items such as refrigerators, washing machines, dishwashers, and ovens rely on this material for their structure and durability. Additionally, hot rolled steel can be easily coated or painted, aiding in corrosion resistance and enhancing aesthetics.


Hot rolled steel holds immense significance in the world of manufacturing, particularly in CNC machining operations. Its production process involves heating steel slabs or billets and subjecting them to rolling and cooling techniques. The resulting material possesses exceptional strength, ductility, and versatility, making it ideal for various applications ranging from structural components to automotive parts. With its wide availability, cost-effectiveness, and excellent machinability, hot rolled steel continues to be a sought-after material in the field of CNC machining. CNC Milling